it bothers me that the words napolean dynamite is the most outstanding things on this poster. it sticks out like a sore thumb to me. i understand jared hess ain't exactly a household name and you wanna put butts in seats but really guys.
will see it regardless cuz wifey hearts jemaine clement with a passion.
@Jason - Yeah, but after the dull thud that was Nacho Libre's box office opening (and don't misunderstand me, I love Nacho with the fiery passion of a million suns, but it didn't exactly set any receipt records) I don't think the studios are taking any chances. I actually worry that if this isn't some sort of mild sleeper hit, that this will be it for Hess in Hollywood. She's a fickle beast and while you and I may love cult cinema, she prefers crowds.
You have totally made my night.
love napolean dynamite but....
it bothers me that the words napolean dynamite is the most outstanding things on this poster. it sticks out like a sore thumb to me. i understand jared hess ain't exactly a household name and you wanna put butts in seats but really guys.
will see it regardless cuz wifey hearts jemaine clement with a passion.
@Jason - Yeah, but after the dull thud that was Nacho Libre's box office opening (and don't misunderstand me, I love Nacho with the fiery passion of a million suns, but it didn't exactly set any receipt records) I don't think the studios are taking any chances. I actually worry that if this isn't some sort of mild sleeper hit, that this will be it for Hess in Hollywood. She's a fickle beast and while you and I may love cult cinema, she prefers crowds.
So I'll be pimping the H out of it until then.
if jemaine is in it (we're on a first name basis) then my wife (and i) are there. in the theater. which hasn't happened for years.
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