
Dude, This Video Is Great

It's a Spike Jonze video of Fatlip from the Pharcyde. It's hilarious. How Jonze talked Fatlip into some of this stuff is beyond me, but I'm glad he did because it's gold.

I remember Bryan had this little (seriously, this kid was like five foot nothing) friend named Jared who would bring these videos from MTV over to watch with us over the summer. This video was on there, tons of Beavis & Butthead, anything remotely alternative... that kid hooked us up. Also, that kid stole one of my Smashing Pumpkins tapes and then later, when I was lamenting its loss, he gave me a copy of his copy, which was really my copy, acting like he was doing me a favor, not knowing that after the SP album I had made a mix with the remaining tape that was identical to the one at the end of the tape he gave me.

Dude was weird.

1 comment:

Candace said...

Oh, yes. Jared Anderson. That boy was short...& sort of annoying. He always had to talk to me at school about what shows he went to & he always seemed to have back stage passes...cause he knew somebody that hooked him up. He was pretty obsessed w/ music. But he did hook me up w/ some tapes....the only one I can remember right now is the Meat Puppets.

Also, that video is genius.