
Please Explain...

At work, we have this intern. His name is Mark. He's a great guy. Hard worker. Good eye. For some reason, I always want to call him "Dave."

I have no idea why.

He doesn't look like a "Dave." I have never known a "Dave" that resembles him. But I can not resist the urge to refer to him as "Dave." So far, I haven't actually called him "Dave." But it's been close. Someday, it's bound to happen.

What is my problem? Has anyone had anything like this happen? If so, how did you solve this problem? Please help me cope with this difficult problem of immense proportions. Thank you.


Jesse said...

Funny, I experienced the same thing...except the guy's real name was Scott and I thought he should be a "Dave." There's also a girl at work who is named "Tammy" but I always want to call her "Kerrie." I've even done it a few times, but only in crowded rooms where I can fake that I was actually trying to talk to somebody behind her instead of her...

Patti said...

It happens when you turn 30.

None said...

I live in your world Dylan. My creative directors name is Dave. Then I have a client I've been working pretty close with named Dave. Then the production guy who was helping out on Dave's project is named Dave too. Sometimes I've called Dave Dave, but I was really thinking about a different Dave. It was kind of embarrasing, but no one seemed to notice much. Close call.