
My 2009 To Do List

Write that story I've been kicking around but is finally starting to come together. You know the one I mean.

Ask my brothers: "Are we doing this Writing Race thing or what?"

Mixtape monthly. Start the Monthly Mixtape Brigade. Who's in?

Start an Etsy shop with a rad name. Clothespin superheroes? Books? Posters/paper products? What else?

Do a collage every quarter, at least.

Attend the temple at least twice.

Chill out more. Stress less.

Read a book a month.

Try not to talk about Star Wars so much.

Play my guitar more than once every couple of years.

Movies with Ryan? Are we doing this thing or what?

Take more photos.

Laugh more. Cry less.

Record an album of Hall & Oates covers entitled Man Eaterz.

Do amazing work.

Realize how lucky I am daily.

Kill a grizzly bear with my bare hands.

Find some way to serve. Other than by killing grizzly bears with my bare hands.

Lose like, 10 pounds. Yeah, that seems doable.

Write my dad that letter I've been meaning to write him.

Learn karate.

Forget karate.

Relearn karate.

Fight someone with karate.

Go on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire and win some money, honey.

Reader Interviews = on like Donkey Kong.

Beat Donkey Kong.

Two words: Sticker. Graffiti.

Be more interesting and more interested.

Work on my Unauthorized Autobiography Sticky Note comic.

Try to not eat so much pork.

Maybe do some woodblocking? Screen printing?

End Pat Sajack's reign of terror once and for all with a well-placed wooden stake, some garlic and a crucifix.

Be less lame. Be more awesome.

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